Yaron Seidman – Hun Yuan – Heart, Body, Medicine

Yaron Seidman – Hun Yuan – Heart, Body, Medicine

If you treat fertility patients in your practice – this is a must-listen episode! If you are looking for ways to really make your clinical approach holistic – this is a must-listen episode.

We recorded a live episode with Yaron Seidman a few months back, and now here it is for all of you who didn’t get to join us live to enjoy listening.

We had a great discussion with Yaron about his Hun Yuan approach to treating fertility, and what it means to take a truly holistic approach to treatment. We talk about life medicine, and how we can use all kinds of tools – not just acupuncture and herbal medicine – to help reconnect someone who has lost their connection to their health potential.


Yaron shares gems including the foundational approach of his unification formula, how he prescribes different types of music for patients to listen to, as well as his understanding of the importance of a Heart connection with patients.

Yaron Seidman has been practising for 27 years, and his clinical practice is specialised in the treatment of infertility. He consults with patients around the world from his clinic based in Connecticut USA. Yaron also runs a 3 year practitioner training in Hun Yuan Body, Heart, Medicine.

Yaron will be presenting at the 2018 IICMC fertility conference in Melbourne Australia, November 9-11th 2018.

We’d love to hear your comments and feedback on this episode. Please drop by our Facebook page to let us know what you think on this topic!

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