The Picasso Principle: Classical Chinese Medicine Diagnosis with Z’ev Rosenberg

The Picasso Principle: Classical Chinese Medicine Diagnosis with Z’ev Rosenberg

“We get sick when we’re not paying attention”

From Picasso, to Dostoyevsky, to Zhang Zhong Jing – we discussed many great ideas from great minds in this episode with Z’ev Rosenberg. This is a long episode – where we really dive deep in exploring the ways in which we can best equip ourselves to be the best diagnostic clinicians we can be.

In this long discussion we had a great discussion with Z’ev who shared his 30+ years of experience as we covered many ideas ranging from the intricacies of pulse diagnosis, through to the treatment of autoimmune disease and menopause. Your passion for Chinese medicine will be renewed after this discussion.

And to round off this spectacular episode – a special song for the outro at Z’ev’s request.

Z’ev Rosenberg, L. Ac., began his studies of Asian schools of medicine in the early 1970’s, with studies in macrobiotics, shiatsu, and theory of Chinese medicine.  He received a degree from the Santa Fe School of Natural Medicine in Western herbal medicine and body therapies in 1976, Kushi Institute (Boston, Massachusetts) in 1979 in macrobiotic counseling, Southwest Acupuncture College in 1983 in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine (post-graduate master’s degree in Oriental Medicine) in 1989.  He worked as a macrobiotic councilor and shiatsu practitioner throughout the 1970’s, and has been in full-time practice in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine since 1983.

You can find more about Z’ev on his website

Let us know what your thoughts and reflections are on the ideas in this episode – over on our Facebook page.

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