Pediatrics and the Importance of Touch

Pediatrics and the Importance of Touch

Limbic system development in infants can be positively influenced by our medicine and in particular the use of shiatsu or tui na. Chinese medicine pediatric specialist Peter Gigante joins us in this week’s episode to discuss one of the main treatment interventions he uses with his patients.

Peter reminds us that the importance of therapeutic touch and direct human contact in general for infants, and children of all ages, should not be underestimated by practitioners or parents. Touch assists infants to be able to assimilate the stimuli they are exposed to, and helps them to be able to moderate their stress responses to overwhelm.

We also discuss considerations for children who may have had limited exposure to loving and caring physical contact in their early life, and also children for whom touch may be problematic such as children with autism spectrum disorder or who may have had previous trauma.

And of course how touch and palpation in the treatment of children helps to inform herbal medicine prescribing.

Peter Gigante has been practising Chinese medicine for 28 years, and previously studied Shiatsu therapy. He has conducted many workshops and lectures on Chinese medicine pediatrics in teaching programs and seminars. He has been involved with the Victorian Chinese medicine registration board, Chinese medicine registration board of Australia, and past president of the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia.

Peter has a collection of articles on Chinese medicine pediatrics and childhood development as understood from a Chinese medicine perspective that you can find at

We hope you enjoy this episode. Please post your questions and feedback on our facebook page. 

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