Gu Syndrome with Heiner Fruehauf part 2

Gu Syndrome with Heiner Fruehauf part 2

Herbal exorcisms. Helping our sickest patients to recover from mysterious and difficult to treat diseases. With seemingly inelegant formulas that at first glance look like a mix-mash of random herbs, Gu expelling formulas have their own unique dynamics that are worth learning how to use. These formulas help to extinguish the black magic from your patients who are cursed with otherwise incurable diseases.

There is little doubt that Heiner Fruehauf is a genius when it comes to treating Gu Syndrome, and in this week’s episode we go into more information about treating Gu Syndrome. In part 1 we spoke about the parameters we use for identifying Gu Syndrome, since it doesn’t necessarily fit any defined western medicine diagnosis. This week in part 2 we talk details about treatment protocols, herbal formulas and treatment timeframes. And how to guide your patients through the long and tricky recovery process.


Heiner has been practicing and teaching Chinese medicine for over 30 years, and has an active clinical practice in Columbia River Gorge area. He is also a founding professor of the College of Classical Chinese Medicine at the National University of Natural Medicine. You can find more of Heiner’s work at the following links:

Wildcrafted and sustainably sourced Chinese herbs and formulas can be purchased via

Articles and academic resources and information about studying opportunities with Heiner can be found at

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MTHFR and Genetic Mutations with Phi Gitsham

Gu Syndrome with Heiner Fruehauf part 1

Gu Syndrome with Heiner Fruehauf part 1