Do You Shang Han Lun?

Do You Shang Han Lun?

How big is a Han Dynasty egg yolk? How does this help us to prescribe Li Zhong Wan properly – as the way Zhang Zhong Jing intended? Simon Feeney reveals all in this episode on classical Han dynasty herbal medicine.

Simon Feeney has a very deep relationship with Zhang Zhong Jing as the eternal mentor. What he has learned through his study of the Shang Han Lun and the Jing Gui Yao Lue is only enhanced by his passion for the preserving of history.

Simon’s clinic is Empirical Health and is based in Port Macquarie, in NSW Australia.

Simon has also established a herbal manufacturing business that makes herbal medicines according to the original recipes dictated by Zhang Zhong Jing – down to the most intimate herb selection and pao zhi instructions. Phi and I personally use his products and vouch for their amazingness! This is the facebook page for his business, and this is the practitioner discussion group for various topics regarding the manufacture and classical administration of herbs from the SHZBL.

You can also view some of Simon’s videos, where he discusses some of the intricacies of Zhang Zhong Jing’s formulas on his Youtube channel.

Raw herbs – False Friends

Raw herbs – False Friends

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Acupuncture for Shen Disharmony